Job History

Frontend Engineer

New York, NY

  • Addressed and improved application test coverage by 40% with React Testing Library
  • Coordinated daily with a team of 12 engineers across the full application stack
  • Migrated legacy Angular 1 application to monorepo using React and Material UI
  • Spearheaded use of modern React Hooks and functional components mitigating code bloat
  • Integrated shared component library using Lerna
Meredith Corp
Frontend Engineer

Stamford, CT

  • Released dozens of ground-up data-rich React/Redux applications with custom CSS
  • Collaborated with designers and business owners daily to provide efficient UX
  • Assessed campaign performance through custom dimensions and metrics with Google Analytics
  • Optimized render speed of 200 Million user application by 25% for mobile and desktop
  • Mentored two junior developers accelerating their growth into new opportunities
General Assembly
Full Stack Developer Student

New York, NY

  • Used MEAN Stack or Ruby on Rails to create almost ten custom Full Stack applications
  • Final project incorporated Google Places API for location-based pick-up basketball social network
  • Mastered fundamentals of traditional programming with Vanilla JS and Ruby
  • Pair programmed and mentored fellow students during after hour learning sessions
Pomona College Rye High School Badger Swim Club
Head & Assistant Swim Coach

California & New York

  • Coached college, high school, and age group swim teams
  • Taught and mentored athletes into becoming successful individuals
  • Managed communications between recruits, athletes, parents, and appropriate team personnel
Wittenberg University
Student Athlete

Springfield, OH

  • Four-year student-athlete on the varsity swim team
  • Completed four semesters of computer science courses
  • Coached varsity swim team during a fifth year on campus
  • Deans List
Senior Front End Developer

New York, NY